Book Publicity

A short summary of self- publishing

A lot has been happening in the publishing world in the recent past. Conventional publishers have not had peace, and whenever there has been a glimpse of hope, it has been switched off faster. Although adult books went up by 8.4 %, youth book sales went down by 32.5%. Ebook sales were relatively stable (10.1%). Compared to the previous year this is a worrying trend for people in this business. Self-published books now seem to be the new kid on the block so to speak. Actually according to Bowker research, self- published eBooks stand for 12% of all the sales that have been done so far. Looks like these are the ones keeping the eBooks sale boat afloat.

Not everyone is excited about these developments. Some have referred to self-published books as unutterable rubbish. According to the new and upcoming authors there has not been a leveled playing field and that is why they have decided to take matters into their own hands. It is hard to get hold of agents and if you get through to them it will be almost be impossible to have them answer their phones. On top of that there is little room for upcoming authors in the publishing world. That notwithstanding, published authors like David Mamet have chosen to throw in the towel and work with self-publishers. They have realized that this is the only way to have control over their own works. Bowker says that there are 235,000 self published titles in print (a whopping 300% increase since 2006).

The question is, are we looking at a grass root movement that is about to take over the publishing world? The answer is a resounding no. The truth is that although self-publishers boast of huge numbers, the number of authors selling books is very small. Amazon, Smashwords, Penguin and many other online stores are the ones making a killing out of these self-publishers. The truth is that self-publishing is a lucrative business but the authors are not the ones benefiting. No wonder even Bowker has joined the team. Publishing is going through immense changes and it will be true to say that conventional publishers have lost exclusive control of the book market. The length of time that this continues is not clear but one thing is clear- there is a shift in the publishing world and it is something to watch keenly. Seems like the self-publishers and the people who service them have no problems making small profits. After all, whether you sell a single item at a million dollars or many items at a profit of the same amount, there is no difference. What you need is a million dollars in your account and it doesn’t matter how it got there (in bulk or in bits).

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